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Submission Guidelines


This interdisciplinary colloquium welcomes academic papers from researchers in any field of design, management, marketing and also related areas of the humanities and social sciences as long as design is studied.
Doctoral students are particularly welcome. We will host a PhD-event exploring (new) methods and approaches to retail & service design research.
The colloquium organizers also extend an invitation for collaborative papers between academics and practitioners.


Submission Guidelines

Papers of up to 4000 words (ex. references), with up to 6 keywords, and which may include images, will be subjected to a peer review process to be then published in the Colloquium proceedings (with ISBN number). The proceedings will be included in the DRS online library.

Papers should be submitted in the following format, downloadable from this link:

All accepted papers will be published in the Colloquium’s proceedings (with ISBN number). A selection of papers presented at the Colloquium will be invited to submit a full paper to be reviewed for publication in a Palgrave edited book or a special issue in the Corporate Reputation Review.

More detailed information on paper submission and colloquium registration will be made available soon.

Any inquiries about this colloquium can be directed to


Find further information about the colloquium at this page.